

Kidney Care #1 Meet Your Kidneys

Virtual Program

For patients with early stages of chronic kidney disease (stages 1–3), this class teaches kidney health, nutrition, physical activity, and medication management skills to slow and prevent the progression of CKD. Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tcu-srjMuHdcVRVJmgMeiDzSFEKWkYDLg

Kidney Care #2 Nutrition

Virtual Program

For patients with early stages of chronic kidney disease (stages 1-3), this class teaches kidney health, nutrition, physical activity, and medication management skills to slow and prevent the progression of CKD. Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpcemhqTMpHdfxd-BTeeMdqEtpb42HSrw2

Kidney Care #3 Physical Activity

Virtual Program

For patients with early stages of chronic kidney disease (stages 1-3), this class teaches kidney health, nutrition, physical activity, and medication management skills to slow and prevent the progression of CKD. Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsde6srzkiHN0kNYHP5kyOI0-qthWbZc-_

Advanced Healthcare Planning

Have you thought about your healthcare decisions in the event you should get sick? Plan while you are healthy to ensure that your wishes are carried out. Join us for a free informative presentation that will guide you step by step! Presented in partnership with Kokua Mau. Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAode-grz4uE9LGmiud_j8gFxFAt0-zmxZy

Kidney Care #4 Medication Management

Virtual Program

For patients with early stages of chronic kidney disease (stages 1-3), this class teaches kidney health, nutrition, physical activity, and medication management skills to slow and prevent the progression of CKD. Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kc-GsqT0rHtMQnNcay6f9TN13gOXXidZ9

Kidney Care #5: Smile Strong: The Path To Better Oral Health

Virtual Program

For patients with early stages of chronic kidney disease (stages 1-3), this class teaches kidney health, nutrition, physical activity,  medication management, and oral health skills to slow and prevent the progression of CKD. Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kc-GsqT0rHtMQnNcay6f9TN13gOXXidZ9

Kidney Options for Patient Empowerment (K.O.P.E.)

For patients with late stage chronic kidney disease (stages 4-5), our KOPE class provides information about treatment options, insurance, and how to partner with your doctor and healthcare team. Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqfuygpjkoHNAHt8OLlGo-U2aW6gZQdLRB

Hypertension And Chronic Kidney Disease 101

Learn more about the link between hypertension and chronic kidney disease. Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkd-GhrjsvHdLMuIYtTHF-Vz9OpGJVdbrX

Stress Management: Navigating The Path To Wellness

We all have stress. Identifying and managing stress is essential for better health. Learn more about the tools that can help. Register online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsde2ppj8jGN1D4rYUQwQYCGu__Tq7lFCU  

Eating Smart For Your Kidneys

Join a workshop hosted by a Registered Dietitian that will provide participants with help in planning kidney-friendly eating. Learn about kidney function, causes of chronic kidney disease, diet effects on kidney disease, and lifestyle changes to manage disease Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIudOyrrjouGdCGo8fFVZsg17x4IRJs-s_t After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information ... Read more