Get Involved
Individual Volunteer and Intern Opportunities
- Occasional or One-time volunteer work for individuals looking to provide service to the community.
- Ongoing volunteer work for individuals looking to provide service on a regular basis.
- Internship program that provides on-the-job experiences to student interns based on their respective course syllabus and requirements.
Group Volunteer Opportunities
- Occasional or One-time volunteer work for groups looking to provide service to the community.
- Ongoing volunteer work for groups looking to provide service on a regular basis.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Kidney Health Screenings: Community health screening with physical measurements, blood glucose check, blood pressure reading, blood draw for lipid profile, urinalysis, dental/oral health, and exit consultation with healthcare professional.
- Dietetics and Nutrition: Assist Registered Dietitian with developing educational presentations and nutritional resources, developing kidney friendly healthy recipes, and researching restaurants for healthy options.
- Virtual Presentations: Facilitate or moderate presentations on kidney related health topics to community groups.
- Health Fairs and In-person Events: Help tabling at events by distributing brochures, flyers, educational material, passing out giveaways, etc. Assist with Patient Education Series.
- Fundraising Events: Assist program coordinators with tasks related to event planning such as Annual Kidney Walk and Galas such as recruiting participants, design event flyers, assembling and packing supplies and equipment, pre-registration of participants, and promote and publicize event.
- Office Administration: Assist with office tasks, conference development, data entry and collection, translation services in various languages (Native Hawaiian, Filipino, Japanese, Samoan, Sign Language, etc).

Volunteer Today!
If you are interested in volunteering, please apply online (below), or download the Volunteer Application and Volunteer Release Forms and email
Must be 18 years or older to volunteer.
Why Volunteer?
• Get valuable real-world experience
• Help out in your community
• Make new friends
• Learn professional skills
• Receive credit for community service
• Meet club/project goals
Anyone can volunteer!!!